How do you make a fresh start? A few do’s and don’ts

The start of the year typically has many of us thinking of beginnings. But we also hold on to certain assumptions when it comes to taking on a fresh start. Through the years, we’ve learned that some of these beliefs might harm instead of help, and keep us from moving forward. Here are a few do’s and don’ts we hope will help you when it comes to making a fresh start this year.

Do think of it as a mindful renewal.

Every new year brings with it lessons and growth from previous years. Skills you’ve sharpened, goals started, connections made. Think of the new year as a mindful renewal of those skills, goals, and connections.

However, be also aware of the occasions that didn’t go as well as you had hoped, experiences that left you feeling disappointed or regretful. Ask yourself what went wrong. In this previous Mess Fest discussion, we had makers who run their small businesses look at the past mistakes they’ve made to eventually succeed when it comes to consigning and joining bazaars, scaling up their business, and keeping their brand authentic. 

Making a fresh start often requires us to be mindful of mess-ups we’ve made so we can begin better than the last time.

Don't bring back bad habits.

If there’s something you ought to leave behind (or at least try), those bad habits that keep on working against you or prevent you from moving forward top the list.

Since a habit is a routine or behavior repeated regularly, there’s a tendency to engage in them unconsciously, making you unaware of the impact it might have on your life. It gets tricky when we talk about negative habits that eventually form a pattern. Check to see if you have a pattern of negative self-talk (you’re the first to tell yourself things might not work out), constantly saying yes to everything (and overextending yourself in the process), or always saying no out of fear (and missing out on opportunities).

Being able to break those bad habits means you first have to identify them. Mindful practices can help you learn more about which actions, for example, are self-sabotaging. Then focus on replacing your bad habits with a more helpful or even enjoyable activity. For example, whenever you catch yourself doing negative self-talk, you can do some mindfulness meditation, reach for your journal, or do some positive affirmations. Eventually, you’ll be in a place where you would’ve formed a better habit to replace the old one.

Don't think you’re starting with a blank slate.

Admit it, there are things you're already good at and activities that bring you joy. When you want to make a fresh start, it’s important to look at them to see what you can apply or bring with you as you restart your journey.

Ceryl Tubungan of The Attic Yarn and Craftery shared in one of our previous episodes about how her old crocheting hobby became the start of what would be her business together with her mom and sister. Ceryl knew she didn’t want to start her post-college life working in a corporate setting. She had always enjoyed crocheting and had the skills for it, so they certainly helped in her journey toward creating The Attic Yarn. 

Do open yourself to learning something new.

While you certainly have gifts you can bring into the new year, a fresh start might also entail learning something new. This can often trigger some anxiety or fear. But putting yourself in an unfamiliar situation is one of the best ways to learn. 

As Common Room founders, Roma and Maan shared in their 2024 year-in-review, opening the Mess Studio in The Atrium was “a totally different concept, a totally different space.” It was such a big leap for them. While they had many years of retail experience to guide them, there was still a level of unfamiliarity to the space they chose for their newest branch. And they weren’t 100% sure if it would work. But only in doing it and seeing what it’s like to run such a space will they find  out.

On a smaller scale but just as significant, we’ve seen Hannah Armada of Studio Haebi try new hobbies and learn new skills despite the fear that was present so she could accustom herself to failure. Because when you know that failure is just a sort of temporary detour before you get to your destination, it doesn’t seem so fearsome. 

Fresh starts can both be exciting and scary. As much as there’s the unknown and unfamiliar, there’s also renewal and progress. Do’s and don’ts can help you navigate it, but in the end, your journey is yours and it’s up to you to decide what will help you take that leap to another beginning.